Interesting topics
Most people recognize a certain amount of disconnect between how they are on the inside versus how they present themselves on the outside. We spend lots of time unconfusing ourselves and others, since we’re not living in integrity. Being both a professional and a personal coach in a Dutch work/life context, this is what interests me: Same but different: How do cultural, social and family influences on disconnect vary between major global cultures? How true can people be to themselves in different cultures? What can we learn from these different perspectives?
Cultures and coaching: Global citizenship increases, not the least in work and business. In what way is a coaching process influenced when working with people with different cultural backgrounds? Which professional elements in terms of coaching are the more general, and which are culturally defined?
Male and female: in cultures that are more or less male dominated (or more or less emancipated), what can we recognize in terms of male and female disconnect?
Sorts and sizes: In terms of roles, positions and attitude, which types of coaches can we distinct in other countries and cultures? Which practise could well be applied in a Dutch work/life context?
Questions, questions: Which coaching questions provide key access to obstacles that prevent people from integrating cultural differences? Which questions can be used in general and which are culture specific?
Where am I at?
The map below shows the global (cultural) route we are travelling in 2011 and 2012. We aim to travel throughout parts of Argentina, Chili, New-Zealand, Australia, Vietnam, China, Japan and several European countries. Given the opportunity I'd like to experience and survey cultural differences in terms of self-actualization at work.