Some ideas

As my interest in intercultural coaching grew, I decided to launch this blog. On this page I have bluntly pasted some of my personal concoctions. For now I will just call them 'some ideas'. Although somewhat theoretical, this is a section I hope to expand, deepen and exemplify.

Ring of commons vs. wheel of variety
Under 'cultural differences' you will find dimensions in which cultures vary. The  conceptual schemes below portray how these dimensions vary in mono- or multi-cultural companies. In most mono-cultural companies we recognize what I call a 'ring of commons'. In multi-cultural companies I'd rather talk about a 'wheel of variety'. Although the theotical potential is much larger, differences are much more difficult to integrate.

Inside out, outside in or both?
In my work as a coach it proved to be important ro recognize whether coaching issues or goals were personal or cultural. As I mentioned in my introduction, sometimes it is hard to keep the two apart, as culture shapes personality. Nevertheless, when coaching in a situation where both personal and cultural aspects are key, it is important to work both inside out and outside in.

Kyte- or box-shaped?
If zoomed in just a littlebit more, we can see how coaching rulers and cultural dimensions stack up. In a 'regular' mono-culture a coachee often finds a few personal needs an beliefs to address. In a multi-culture it is important to address not only these personal needs and beliefs, but also the cultural dimensions that have most significant impact. The conceptual scheme below explains why and how intercultural coaching can be more complicated.

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